Happy 2012! The quaint days of the Y2K bug are firmly behind us—not only have we actually made it to the new millennium, we have soundly surpassed the first decade mark. We once might have associated 2012 with flying cars and a clear universal vision but now, across the threshold of “the Future” we cross our brows at the tentative first steps of world leaders and the struggling economy.
PAABA maintains that the best buffer for time and adversity is each other and so keeps its steady course, by continuing to provide informative, low cost CLE events, mixers and other activities through which to meet legal professionals. In addition, we now have four practice area sections: Family, Patent, Tax and Trust and Estates Planning.
These sections were implemented directly by members and are examples of how we all contribute to our bar association and its evolution. Even the most jaded cynics acknowledge that involvement with PAABA broadens networks, enhances opportunity and strengthens community. The discovery of new assets and friends amongst neighbors takes time but is worth the investment. Our group consistently reveals itself to be fascinating in breadth and depth of experiences, both professionally and personally.
Make the best of 2012 and let us know how we can serve you!
Soyeun D. Choi, President
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