July 18, 2017

Welcome to PAABA!

On behalf of the Palo Alto Area Bar Association, welcome!  We’re glad to have you as a member and hope we can provide an enjoyable, informative and beneficial experience for you.

PAABA offers a number of opportunities for participation.  You can join a committee or practice area section, apply to become a panelist for the Lawyer Referral Service or a mediator for the ADR Program, write an article or white paper for PAABA’s blog, attend or present a Continuing Legal Education seminar or networking event, post or search jobs and office space on our Classifieds, promote your business or events in our Newsletter, and resolve fee disputes through our Fee Arbitration service.  All members are welcome to join

Maximize your referral potential by filling out your Member Profile and listing your practice areas so that you appear in searches in the Member Directory.

We welcome all suggestions and ideas for enhancing our member benefits, offering additional community or educational services, or creating membership initiatives.  Please get in touch at info@paaba.org to share your thoughts and address any concerns.  I look forward to collaborating with you to make PAABA bigger, better, and more responsive to our growing membership.

Yours truly,

Gretchen Birkheimer, PAABA President 2017-2018


If you have questions or concerns about your membership, your member profile, PAABA.org, the weekly newsletter, the ADR Panel, Classifieds, volunteering with PAABA, delivering a presentation, or PAABA generally, contact info@paaba.org  or leave a message at 650-503-3407.

If you have questions about the Lawyer Referral Service or Fee Arbitration, contact lrs@paaba.org or call (650) 326-8322.

If you have questions about billing, payments, expense reimbursements, or receipts, contact treasurer@paaba.org